
We accept no corporate or government donations

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Greenpeace investigates

Campaigns, documents and lobbies for a sustainable balance between humans and the environment worldwide. And if this doesn’t help, *we expose* environmental abuses by carrying out non-violent direct actions.

It's a positive vision rooted in *hope*

The conviction that when people in large numbers believe change is possible, change becomes possible. We believe that when we take Nature as our mentor, and measure, we can change the way we feed and fuel our world.

Our climate is the engine for life

Support systems that sustain and nurture us all. Climate and weather drive the ebb and flow of life, making rivers run, crops grow, and forests flourish. But now this vital foundation of life has been pushed off balance.

The planet doesn't require saving, and actually hasn't asked Greenpeace to save it.

Climate is changing fast !

Climate change threatens to unravel Earth's complex web of life, and puts livelihoods, coastal cities and food production at risk. It's the gravest threat to life we know.

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